Thursday, 1 May 2014

How To Get Rid Of Your Acne



Femke struggled with acne for a long time now and she hates it so much! She felt very ugly. But she sees it decreasing in the past months. So we wanna share her tips with you. It does take some time to see the difference, but it's worth it!

The first thing you should change are your food habits. Femke read everywhere that you should start a super healthy diet, but she really couldn't give up chocolate and all that kind of food. It's not that she eats so unhealthy, but she likes to enjoy life. :) And she never really believed that you could get acne from sugar and fat. But this January she decided to eat (almost) everyday for breakfast a super healthy smoothie with all kinds of fruit, nuts, seeds, yoghurt, a spoon of coconut oil and a spoon of hazelnut butter. Like that she could still enjoy the sweets and eat healthier at the same time. Also she started to drink a lot, at least 6 glasses of water a day. Her acne didn't disappear very fast, but now(after 5 months) she can see the difference. Her back had some acne too and that's almost gone now. So this diet changed a lot, which Femke is very thankful for. And not only with her acne, her hair is healthier because of this diet too.

Her acne isn't only disappearing because of her diet, but also by her skin care routine. Femke has used almost all products there exist for acne, but none of them really work. She does still uses Acne Plus by Louis Widmer. This product is very heavy(when Femke used it the first time she used way to much and her skin felt like it was burning, so use a small amount), but it never made her skin super dry like almost all the other acne products did. She uses it every evening after she washed her face(just with some water) and removed any make up. In the morning she again first washes her face and then she uses a moisturizer. This routine changed her skin too, not as much as her diet, but it still works a bit.

Now after doing this for 5 months her skin changed a lot. Femke still has a lot of acne scaring, but she uses a foundation to cover that(and some of the pimples she still has). So please never squeeze out your pimples, because it leaves scars! Even though they will go away after a while, you don't want it.

We hope Femke her tips were a bit helpful for you.

Maia & Femke

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