Yesterday the famous Festival de Cannes started, and were famous people are, there are memorable outfits! Let's see who was wearing what and who was dressed best...
First up is the SUPER hot Ryan Gosling. He looks great as always , altough we think he could have bought new shoes..; They look a littleworn out... |
Oops, we don't really like Julianne Moore's dress.. She kind of looks like a weird kind of bird in it.. :s It's a dress from Chanel by the way... |
And now a dress that's way prettier: the one from Cheryl Cole! We loooove high now skirts, they look so faboulous. And her shoes are really pretty too, altough a bit simple. Her hair is very voluminous, wich looks great on her. |
You've probably already noticed that we are great fans of Alessandra Ambrosio. She's a reale style-icon to us! But we're not such fans of the dress she wore at Festival de Cannes.. We like the shape, but we think the color's ugly and her jewelry doesn't match it... Disapointed! |
Altough we love Robert Pattinson, we think his outfit was a litle bit too casual.. I mean, a jeans, seriously? His jacket has a pretty color tough.. |
Jennifer Lawrence wore a dress from Dior. We don't say we think it looks bad on her, but its also not so 'wooow'.. Disappointed again.. |
At another moment at the Festival she was wearing something waaaay more beautiful! Most women wear dresses at the Festival, but she's wearing a jumpsuit, wich makes her look even more pretty and special. Gold and black is by the way a great combination if you want to look chic. |
And this, Julianne Moore, is the right way to wear feathers! Good job, Freida Pinto! It's a custom-made dress from Micheal Kors by the way. We love it, not only because of the feathers, but also because the color mades her skin look even more tanned. |
Lupita Nyong'o looks really good, altough the dress itself is not that pretty. We really aren't fans of leather dresses and especially not if they're not black.. |
Woooow, look at Blake Liverly! We love that dress! And her juwelry & lipstick are so chic! Definitely one of the best dressed persons in this post. |
Now let's make a little list of what we've seen:
Best dressed woman: Jennifer Lawrence (second outfit)
Best dressed man: Ryan Gosling
Worst dressed woman: Julianne Moore
Worst dressed man: Robert Pattinson
Hmm that was definitely interesting ;)
Maia & Femke
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