Monday 30 June 2014




It's finally sumer vacation! You're probably al going on vacation, or maybe you'll just spent some time with family but whatever you're gonna do, you'll probably need a suitcase.
We've searched for some pretty suitcases on webshops and these are the ones we found:
We love vintage suitcases! This one doesn't seem so
convenient, because it's a bit small, but it's reeeeealy lovely! :)
It's from and costs €92
This one's probably way more convenient. It also looks kind of vitage,
but it's made out of fabric instead of leather and it has a lot more pockets.
It's from Zappos and costs €110
This one's also really cute. It's from Forwardforward and costs
€1815, wich is a lot... :s
When you travel by airplane it's good to have a suitcase in a bright color,
because you'll recognise your suitcase faster that way.
This one looks really chic!
But it's from Mulberry, so it costs €1100 unfortunately ;)$CrossSellProductPage514$
Also River Island sells suitcases. Orange isn't realy
our favorite color, but it sure looks very cheery here. :)
This one costs €81.$prod_lrg$
This one's also pretty, altough less cheerful, and very chic!
It's from and costs €315.
And this last one's from Shopbop and costs €1080.

Maia also needed a new suitcase, because the one she had was waaay too small... Here's the one she chose:

When buying a suitcase, you must consider that you need a TSA-lock when you're planning to go to America.

Maia & Femke

Sunday 29 June 2014

Hat Hairstyles


So we recently posted about hats already in wich we showed you Maia's hats and hats we found in stores. Now that everyone has a hat we decided to show you how to wear it. Maybe you've also found out that loose hair doesn't look good on most hats, so here are some hairstyles that'll make you look georgeous:

Girl fashion!

First hairstyle is a fishtail braid. You probably know how to make this already, it's not that difficult and it will look very chic with a hat. A regular side braid will look good too of course.


Two braids also look fun with a hat, altought this can look a little childish too.. Try to make then a little loose, like the girl in the picture above.


You can also braid your hair in in an updo. I think the girl on the picture above has a crown braid (we've got a tutorial on that), but you can also try something else. There are a lot of braided updo's you can try, just look it up ;) You can also search for inspiration in our post about summer hairstyles.

And if you think regular side braids and fishtail braids are boring, you can also try a totally different kind of braid, like this 5 strand braid in a braid. We made a tutorial on that one too (that's Femke on the picture above, by the way).

this hope won't let me go | via Tumblr

You can also try this Katniss-inspired hairstyle. It'll also look a little more special than a regular side braid. If you're not that good at braiding in your hair, that's okay, because with a hat on, braids don't have to be perfect. Loose braids actually look better than tight ones and some loose hairs won't ruin your hairstyle either. It's also fun to put flowers in your braid.

You can kind of experiment with side braids and side ponytails, because most of them will look good with a hat. Or you can just let your hair loose but this can look a little sloppy unless you have very perfect hair. Also don't make a regular low ponytail on your back or a non-side braid, because this will probably look kind of sloppy too.

Also Evelina Barry made a video about hat friendly hairstyles. Altought her video's not specifically about summer hats, it'll work with summer hats too. So make sure to check it out!

Maia & Femke

Saturday 28 June 2014

Spotted: Jamie Chung

A Perfect Saturday Look From Jamie Chung


Today we spotted Jamie Chung looking very stylish. She choose to wear this denim shirt with a flowy maxi skirt. She tucked her denim shirt in her skirt which makes her look super tin, because it accentuates her waistline. Her shoes and bag are from Loeffler Randall. They are both the eyecatchers of the look. For accessoires she choose a hat from H&M and these cateye sunglasses. Her hair is in a chic low bun, which goes great with the hat. We love this look!

Maia & Femke

Friday 27 June 2014



If there's one accesory that's really a must have in summer, it's a hat. Hats are good, because they give you a little shadow and prevent you from having a heathstroke, but they are also just very fashionable and they can hide a bad hair day. ;) It also prevents your hair from getting blonder, if you like yourself better with brown hair. So if you're packing your suitcase, don't forget your hat! If you haven't got one yet, you should definitely buy one. They have hats in almost every store and a pretty hat doesn't even need to be expensive. Here are our favorite hats for this summer:
This one's from Bijou Brigitte. It's so cute! We love hats with flowers on it (but of course you can just pin a flower on any hat) This one costs €14.90, wich is an average price for a hat. Bijou Brigitte is usually pretty good quality so it's probably worth it.
This cowboy-hat is from Claire's and costs €16.99. It's not a very special one, but it probably goes with every outfit.
And here's another one from Claire's. We really like big, floppy hats. They look really faboulous! :D This one costs €22.99.$detail-item$
This one's from Free People and costs €45, wich is a lot, but it's a really pretty hat so it just had to be in this post. :)
And for the more special hats you have to look in Topshop, as always. This one costs €36.
And this one (also from Topshop) costs €29. This is one of the prettiest of these posts :)
And here's another one from Topshop, also for €29.

Maia has a lot of hats, it's really her favorite summer accessory. She tries to combine one with all of her outfits, so that's why she needs so many of them. ;) She also doesn't really like it when her hair gets a lot blonder in summer, because she looks better as a brunette. Here are her hats:

She hasn't really got a favorite one or something, she loves them all equally much ;) Altough the third one if a very easy one to combine, because it looks good on everything. That's something you have to keep in mind if you go shopping of course.

The second hat, with the cat ears, is one she recently bought. It's from Claire's and costs €22.99.

Maia & Femke

Thursday 26 June 2014

Spotted: Poppy Delevingne

If Only We Could All Look As Cool As Poppy Delevingne Heading To The AirportHi!

We spotted Poppy Delevingne, Cara Delevigne's older sister, going to the airport in this amazing outfit!

We like her shorts, because the print's a real eye-catcher and they also look very comfy. The sweater matches it perfectly. It's kind of a basic sweater so that the focus stays on her cute shorts.

Her Gucci bag is alos adorable ofcourse. Her suitcase too, it looks very vintage ;)

She has really beautiful hair by the way! We love the color, it's really a summer color! And her hair looks also very healthy.

She's just wearing white All Stars and altough we said in our post about All Stars that they're not original, we think they match her outfit. Okay, everyone has these white ones, but that doesn't mean you can't wear them anymore. They're not ment as an eye-catcher in this outfit, because the short already is, so it's okay that they are very basic and casual.

We only think she should have worn some other kind of jacket, because leather jacket's are more for winter than for summer. A jeans jacket would have looked nice on it, for excaloke.

Maia & Femke

Wednesday 25 June 2014



Femke was searching for pretty sportwear, so she thought: why not make a post? We were both never really sportive, but now we're getting there. So we both need some new sport clothes. You can expect a sportwear shoplog soon, but now we're still looking for the most fashionable pieces. So here are our favourites so far:

This top from Forever 21 is so pretty! Esspecially the back. You can look through the lace and it's flowy, but there is a sport bra underneath with the same back. So it's perfect to go sport with! And the best part is that it only costs € 6,45.

This is another very special sportbra of Forever 21. Again we're just showing you the back, because the back is the most beautiful part of the whole thing. This one is a bit more pricey than the one above, but it's still very cheap: it only costs € 12,45.

These shorts are from Forever 21 too and we really like them. They cost € 11,45.

Again in Forever 21 we found these gorgeous leggings for € 14,95. (These pants will go great with the first top we showed you.)

This hoodie is from Brandy Meville and costs € 34. It isn't very special like the other stuff we showed you, but Femke ones tried it on and it's the softest material, so it's perfect to go sporting with. 

These shorts aren't from any sport collection, but we think they are great for sports. You can buy them in America Today for € 24,95.

Shell Pink (Pink) Shell Pink Dip Dye Sweater | 293193172 | New Look
This sweater from New Look isn't of a sportwear collection, but we still think it's perfect to go sporting with. It costs € 17,99. 

Afbeelding 7 van LEGGING MET HOGE TAILLE van Zara
Femke already has these leggings from Zara in dark blue and they are the most comfortable pants ever, so they're perfect for sportwear. They cost € 25,95.

This top with a sportbra in it is from H&M and costs € 19,99.

For shoes we think Nikes are the best. We know, it's a brand and it's expensive. But for sportshoes you should always go for the best quality. When Femke went jogging she always wore her Vans(which are sportshoes too, right?) and her feed herted very much. So now she just bought a pair of shoes from Nike. We can't show you them yet because they are customized. But we will show you them in our sportwear shoplog. Meanwhile you can go find your perfect sportshoes on the Nike online shop, because you have for every sport different shoes and every shoe has different designs. 

We hope you could find your perfect sportoutfit now, so we can all sport in style! 

Maia & Femke

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Chocolate Pamper Evening


Today we will give you an awesome idea for a pamper evening. If you don't know what a pamper evening is: it's an evening where you can totally relax and do all this beauty things. We have these kind of evenings very often. And we like to try every time different things. Femke has them every sunday. And last sunday she had a very nice one that she liked to share with you. You must like chocolate for this one, because she had a chocolate pamper evening! This is how her chocolate pamper evening went:

First Femke took a shower. She doesn't have a bath, which is stupid, because with a bath you can do much more relaxing pamper evenings. But shower pamper evenings can be relaxing too. So she washed herself with this shower cream of the chocomania collection of Body Shop. It smells amazing and it's good quality like the other Body Shop products. There also is a body scrub of this collection which Femke would totally like to use too, but she only has the shower cream.

Then Femke washes her hair with the chocolate shampoo of Seda. This shampoo wouldn't make your hair super soft or shiny, it only leaves this great chocolate smell. So Femke only uses it on these pamper evenings. She bought it in Brazil and she couldn't find it anywhere else. There also doesn't exist an online shop where you can buy these shampoos. So you're going to have to go to Brazil or you can find an alternative(if you know one: please let us know!).

When the shampoo and body cream are washed away, Femke likes to use this hairmask of Kanechom which is again in a chocolate flavor. Femke would normally use a conditioner, but a hairmask is as good as a conditioner. This does make Femke her hair shiny and soft. She also bought it in Brazil, but this time she could find an online shop. But if you found an alternative let us know. Her hair is still wet when she puts it on. Then she likes to wear a shower cap, like that the product can do its work without making her clothes wet or something.

When that's done Femke uses this chocolate mask of Montagne Jeunesse. She loves this stuff! It's deep pore cleansing and we have to say it does its work good( but not perfect).

Now Femke has to wait till she can wash away both the products. At this time she likes to read a book or watch tv. And drink hot chocolate or now in the summer she will eat some strawberries with chocolate.

When the time is up she washes away the mask and hairmask.

The last thing Femke will use is this chocolate body lotion of Vaseline. We already made a review of it where we said how much we loved this product.

And that was the pamper evening. If you liked this post we would definitely do more of these in the future.

Maia & Femke

Monday 23 June 2014

Spotted: Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez’s Slouchy Trousers Are Perfect For A Weekend StrollHi,

Slouchy trousers are so in fashion right now! They're easy and comfortable for summer and they can look really cute when you combine them right.
Jennifer Lopez looks really great in he pair of slouchy trousers, that are from Isabel Marant, but we think it's better to combine these kind of pants (or actually everything thats wide) with something tight (like with the vodi shorts). Otherwise it'll all look a little shapeless... We do like the shoes she's wearing with them though and her clutch even more.

Maia & Femke

Sunday 22 June 2014

Espadrille Wedges


So earlier this week we posted about Maia's new shoes. She bought espadrille wedges and she's totally in love with them, because they have high-heels but they're not too formal and they're open (wich is really necessary for summer shoes) and most important they're easy to walk with. So we think espadrille wedges are a must-have for summer! :D
In this post we'll show you some of the cutest espadrille wedges you can buy.
These from Forever 21 really look faboulous, but we think they won't be that easy to walk with anymore, 'cause these are a lot higher than Maia's wedges.. They cost €31.90
Coral (Orange) Wide Fit Orange Contrast Ankle Strap Espadrille Wedges | 306952283 | New Look
We love the colorv of this one! It's just adorable! They cost €25 and are from New Look.
Coral (Orange) Coral Strappy Espadrille Wedges | 307020683 | New Look
They also have higer ones in a color that's almost as adorable. We also love the crossed straps. Only a pity that they're not completly open.
At Topshop they have a lot of espadrilles, both high and low ones. These are very simple ones, but that's good because they'll go with every summer outfit. They cost €59.
These are from Topshop too and cost the same. They're also very simple, but maybe white is more of a summer color.$CrossSellProductPage514$&locale=fr
But the prettiest pair we found at River Island. They're just perfect! The color's super cute, they're open and they're high, but not too high. They cost €60, but we think that's worth it. We're also totally in love with the gold accents.

And of course there are also Maia's super cute ones, wich are from Shoe Discount (but we think that's a shop that only exists in Belgium) and thay only costed €5.

Maia & Femke