A while ago Maia bought an eyeliner pen from Essence. Maia doesn't use a lot of make-up because always tries to look as natural as possibly (normally she just uses BB-crème, mascara and lipgloss), but she really loves eyeliner too, so when she wants to look a bit more special she uses eyeliner.
This eyeliner pen from Essence is definitely better than Essence's liquid eyeliner altough that one's okay too. You can read our review about her liquid eyeliner here if you want to compare them. It's also definitely a lot better than a normal eyeliner pencil. Maia really hates these, they're so hard to work with!
What she likes the most about this eyeliner (and why she likes it better than her liquid eyeliner and any eyeliner pencil) is the thin tip. It's very easy to work with and it gives a perfect thin line. Essence also has eyeliner pens with less thin tips, if you prefer that, but Maia thinks it's perfect like this.
It says it's 'extra longlasting' and that's true, because it stays the whole day. But it's also easy to remove again, you can just wash it away with water. This also has disadventages: it's not waterproof and it's not that very dark black. You also always need to put two layers, because when you only draw one line you can barely see it, as you see in the picture below.
While the liquid eyeliner wipes out easily, this one is way better altough both of them aren't waterproof.
When Maia uses eyeliner she mostly goes for a normal thin line above her eye, wich is very easy to do, but can make a whole difference to your eye-look. We also made a post about eyeliner shapes ones, so maybe you should check that one out when you want to experiment with eyeliner.
Maia & Femke
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