So in yesterday's post we told you about Kelly Osbourne's new tattoo, wich we don't like at all. She got 'Stories...' tattooed on the side of her head with purple in. It's a pretty big tattoo and we think she made a bad decision...
We're actually not a fan of tattoo's in particular. It's permanent and you can't be sure if you will like it forever (and it costs a lot to get it removed). Also most tattoos can ruin a chic look... We don't say that there aren't pretty tattoo's, but we just think it's a bad idea in most cases.
It's better to choose something temporarily, but these temporary tattoo's also cost a lot... So something fun you can do is a henna tattoo!
Henna is a red fluid, made from the henna tree (what a surprise) and is used for painting nails, hair and hands. It was used in Ancient Egypt, but you can still buy it in many shops. It's not even that expensive, you can find it for €5 or maybe €7. It'll only stay for a couple of weeks. It's mostly used on hand or feet but you can actually do whatever you like with it.
You can go to someone who makes henna tattoo's (if you're going on vacation to Maroc, you'll sure find a lot of places to get a henna tattoo) , but if you're creative yourself you can try to do it yourself! Here are some pretty henna tatoo's we found at WeHeartIt:
Also on Youtube you can find a lot of video's on how to make a tattoo yourself and wich tools to use (you can also just use your fingers).
Maia & Femke
Many tattoos drawings made from natural ink, when it comes to henna tattoo it's natural.