Especially now winter is starting there are a lot of girls who have problems with hair loss. One of the reasons of hair loss is change of temperature. So we tought we should made a post about what to do against hair loss. Because of course nobody likes to have thin hair.
First of all we're going to sum up some other reasons why you might loose hair. The main reason temperature change this time of the year, but with the exams comming it might also be stress. Now for both of these reasons there isn't really a sollution. For the weather you'll just have to wait (some people are more sensitive for wheather change than others) and for the stress you'll just have to try to relax more. :)
When you have too much vitamin A in your body you'll loose hair too. This is mostly only when you take extra vitamin A-containing supplements and if you notice this is making you loose hair, you'll just have to reduce it.
On the other hand, vitamin B is something that causes hair loss when you haven't got enough of it. You can try eating fish, meat, vegetables, and non-citrus fruits or just take some kind of vitamin B-containing supplements.
A lack of protein can also cause hair loss. This means you have to eat more meat, fish and eggs.
Changing in hormones, when your pregnant for excample, can cause hair loss too. But of course then you won't be able to prevent it. But don't worry, it'll grow back ones your hormones are normal again :)
When you loose a lot of weight or when you're ill you can also have some trouble with hair loss, but this is also something you can't help of course.
Another more common reason of hair loss is overstyling. This can be from too much heat used in you hair but also when you wear a lot of tight braids or ponytails. When you think this is the reason you loose hair you'll have to stop using heat on your hair (try no-heat curls instead of a curling iron and let your hair air dry), use conditioner after every shampo and when you put your hair up, don't do it too tight.
There is also medication that prevents hair loss, but normally if you take everything we wrote above into account, you won't need that.
Not all hair loss is bad by the way. You'll always loose some hair and that's okay, because your scalp needs to get rid of the dead hair so it can grow again. Without that little bit of hair loss, your hair won't be healthy.
Maia & Femke
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