We've already wrote about how useful Vaseline can be a few times, but there are so many different ways to use it that we decided to give it it's whole own post today.
The most commen use of vaseline (and we've also mentioned this a few times before) is on your lips. If you're one of those people who struggle horribly chapped lips every winter, you can try putting vaseline on it. Just putting it on will help a lot already, but it's even more effective if you srub your lips with a tissu or a toothbrush afterwards. It's also pretty as a
translucent lip-gloss by the way. You can either put it over lip stick or use it on it's own, it'll both look good. If you mix Vaseline with your favorite blush or eye-shadow, you can create a great lipgloss by the way.
You can also use it under your eye-shadow to make it sparkle more or on your cheeks for a bit of shine. It actually works great as a highlighter.
What we also told you before is that you can also use it on your eye-lashes. If you put it on every night before you go to sleep, it will make your eye-lashes grow longer, fuller and thicker over time. It feels a bit sticky, but the result is so good that this doesn't matter :) If you don't apply too much you can also wear it instead of mascara for a more natural look.
It's also good to remove make-up with. It'll work for both make-up stains and make-up on your face. But we find this rather clumsy, because it's so sticky.
Now something that may be useful in winter times: it also makes dry spots on your skin soft again. For excample if you've got some dry skin spots on your face you should apply some Vaseline under your foundation to hide it. Also, a lot of people put a little bit of Vaseline on their feet every night, covered up by socks, to make their feet feel softer. Same for your elbows and even your knees by the way. You can also make a scrub with Vaseline if you mix it with some sea salt. Ans if you're planning on using a tanning lotion you can put on Vaseline on drier spots first to prevent uneven tanning.
If you have some trouble with dry or split ends in your hair, you can apply some Vaseline on the ends of your hair.
Also your nails can profit a lot from Vaseline. To start with you can put it on your cuticles to make them look better and softer. Also, if your too lazy to polish your nails again after a week, just apply some vaseline over it to make it shine again.
Another rather uncommon, yet effective use of Vaseline is to put in on your 'perfume spots' before you spray on parfume. This way the scent will last longer.
You can also but a little bit of it on leather bags or shoes to make them shine more.
As you see you can use Vaseline for almost everything. :o And the best part of it: it's not expencive at all!
Maia & Femke