A while ago we made a couple of posts about how to let your hair grow (check out part I, part II and part III here), because isn't it every girls dream to have long, beautifull princess hair? Well, we already showed you how to get that 'long' part, but you should work on the 'beautiful' part too.
One thing that we think is really ugly (with both long and short hair and everything inbetween) is greasy hair. And we think everyone agrees with us on that one. So that's why many girls (especially teens, because when your a teen your hair gets oily very more often) wash their hair every day. But actually this is EXACTLY the reason why they get greasy hair so often!! So better not do that.. But there are many more reasons why not to wash your hair every day.
1. Hairstyles look way better on hair that's washed the day before
Yes, it sound weird but it's true. It's way easier to make a braid or bun in not fresh washed hair and it wil stay a lot longer (this is especially for the girls with very straight hair, because it's already not that easy to keep a bun in that kind of hair).
2. It's bad for your hair color
Of course this is only with those with coloured hair :p No matter what brand of hair-coloring you used or wether you use shampooing special for colored hair or not: washing your hair every day will have a huge impact on the color of your hair! The color will fade away soon and it will loose it's shinyness...
3.It costs a lot
And not only the shampoo, but also the watter you use. And maybe you'd say: "I shower every day anyway" but just washing your body takes less time. Also all waste of watter if bad for the enviroment.
4. There are chemicals in shampoo...
In ALL shampoos and conditioners are chemicals, even the super expencive, super profesional ones..
5. And last but not least, like we said before: it irritates the skin on your head, because washing your hair takes away the sebum (protacting layer of oil), what causes your skin to try to produce even more sebum. And that means your hair gets even greasier than it was before...
Well, we hope we have convinced you to not wash your hair every day anymore, if you were one of these girls. Now you now what not to do, but what should you do instead? Well, it would be perfect if you washed your hair every 3 days. This gives the perfect ballace between rest for the skin on your head and the greasyness in your hair. First your hair will be greasy after one day already, because it's accustomed to being washed every day, but after a few weeks, your hair will look perfect even on this thirth day. Maybe you're a bit deterred by the fact that you'll have oily hair for a while, but it's definitely worth it! A by the way, it's almost summer, wich means not going to school, wich means: who cares how you look ;) And you can always hide your greasy hair in a ponytail on the days that you're going out.
Maia & Femke
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