We already made
a post where we wrote that checkered shirts are a must have, that was in November and right now they still are a must in your closet! So we though it would be a good idea to give you some styling tips with your checkered shirt. Because you really would be suprised if you knew how many different ways there are to style you shirt.
For this tutorial we're using Femke her new checkered shirt from the H&M. She got it on a special offer and it only cost her € 10!
First we got the normal way. We prefer to leave one button open, but if you wear a neckless(a XL neckless is very beautiful with a button-down-shirt) with this style it will be prettier to button it all up. |
This normal way looks nice with a high-waisted skit too. But now it's prettier to close all the buttons |
To make your shirt a bit more fashionable and sexy we left one more button open, rolled the sleeves up and put the ends in Femke's pants. This look looks already much different then the first one. |
The look above goes great with high-waisted pants too. |
Another way to wear your checkered shirt is to leave it open with a top or t-shirt underneed. It's more a casual and messy look. |
The look above looks gorgeous with a skirt too. |
Another playfull look is to make a knot with the ends of your shirt. Because it's more playfull we would roll the sleaves up. And its the prettiest when you close all your buttons. |
If you don't like to show your belly you can wear high-waisted pants under your shirt and it will still look great. |
Or if you don't wanna show your belly you can wear a skirt with it too. |
A very famous look is this one. With this look you wear your shirt under a sweater and it looks absolutely gorgeous! And if you want to you can roll the sleeves up like we did. |
A style you don't see much but that's very pretty too is this one. Here you wear your cardigan over your checkered shirt and you can roll the sleeves up like we did to make this look even prettier. A cardigan is more for a casual and messy look, so we prefer to leave one button open. |
If you wanna look a bit more chic you can wear your shirt with a blazer. And we rolled the sleeves again up to make it a bit more playfull. |
This look is very popular lately. You make a knot with the sleeves around your hips. It looks very casual, playfull and messy. |
The look above goes, as you can see, very good with a skirt too. |
This last look is one of our favourites. We have a tutorial for it here. On the tutorial we make a dress of the shirt, but because this shirt isn't oversized we made a cute blouse of it. |
These were our 15 different ways to wear a checkered shirt. It of course will also look great with a normal button-down-shirt, but the checkered shirts are so in fashion now so we made these looks with a checkered shirt.
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