You've probably went swimming a few times this summer, and you may have also noticed what effect it had on your hair. Every year my hair's all dried out when I come back from vacation, because of both the sun and the swimming pools. So this year I did some research on how to protect my hair. The first thing they always tell you is to wear a cap, but I think that isn't worth it, haha! Anyways, here are some other tips I came over.
Before you go swimming you can protect your hair by braiding it. This is mainly because it's practical and your hair won't tangle, but it also exposes your hair less to the chlorine. Ponytails or buns are okay too, but braids are actually healthier for your hair, because it can't cause any breakage. Then wet your hair with water without any chlorine (or salt). This way the chemicals will soak in less. Just make it wet though, because when you use shampoo you will strip off the natural oils in your hair which form a barrier against the chemicals. Instead use some extra oils, like coconut and jojoba oil, on the tips of your hair. You could also use a leave-in conditioner, but personally I prefer the oils.
When your done swimming, the first thing you should do is wash your hair. This time you can use shampoo and preferingly a nourishing one. Also don't forget conditioner! When you comb your hair, use a wide one in wood or with natural hairs. This won't cause your hair to break and prevent your hair from frizzyness.
If tried out most of these things when I went swimming last week and the week before and I must say that my hair is less dry this year then it was other years. I don't know if it's only because of these few things, but they probably have something to do with it too.
Hope you can keep your hair healthy too this summer!
Sources: WeHeartIt, Weekendknack.be, allwomenstalk.com
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