Something to look forward too: H&M is going to have an eco-friendly collection! That means they'll be making more sustainable clothing, made out of organic materials like linen, silk and cotton. It's be called H&M Conscious Exclusive and will be for sale the 16th of April. Apparently the collection will mainly contain dresses with prints that were drawn by hand (like you can see in the picture above). The pieces in the collection will of course be a bit more expensive then those in H&M's usual collections.
The new face of this collection is Olivia Wilde, an actress who's perfect for this! She's a vegan and already supports a lot of environmental initiatives. Olivia Wilde is very proud to be the face of the collection because sustainability is one of her biggest passions.
Well we wouldn't really call it one of our 'passions', but we certainly think that it's an important thing and that it was about time some of the bigger brands layed focus on it too.
Maia & Femke
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