School started again and that means getting up early... And that results in getting puffy eyes and dark circles :( But Maia was already forseeing that, so she bought herself a new concealer.
She chose Time Balm, a concealer from The Balm. If you've read some of our other posts too you might know this brand, for excample from our post 'Cosmetics with the cutest packaging'.
The package from Maia's Time Balm isn't that very special, but it still looks soooo cute! :D Just the name is cute already!
It isn't excactly the cheapest concealer she could find (it was around €17), but we hear good things about this brand all the time, so we really wanted to test out some of their products.
As you see, along with the concealer, you get a little sponge. Most people just apply their concealer with their fingers, but a little sponge can be really usefull too. You can apply concealer more precicely with your fingers, that's true, but a sponge helps you to spread it out more equally because it absorbs it a little. And also it's just really really soft :)
Many concealers are very thick and smudgy ort just too dry and they're hard to apply, because you've easily used too much of them. You probably know what we mean :) But this concealer is nothing like that! It's still a bit thick, but not too much and it has a great texture! This also makes it way easier to apply. It isn't heavy at all and you don't feel you're wearing it at all.
The Time Balm comes in nine different colors. Maia chose the 'Light' one, wich is perfect for her skin. As you see in the picture above, where she tested out her concealer on her hand, it's lighter than her own skin, but not too much. On the picture it seems like a big difference, but you should also consider that your hand are always a bit more tanned than your face.
The 'Lighter than light' one is still a tone lighter, but this one is better for Maia.
Altough it's almost the same color as her skin, it makes a huge difference! Of course it doesn't hide her eye circles completely, but it reduces them more than any other concealer she's ever had. Maia uses it daily now, and she couldn't miss it anymore! It cover so good and you don't even need to apply a second layer.
Maia & Femke
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