Friday, 31 January 2014

Labello's For Soft Lips


If you read our post about Femke's Labello's you probably already know that she's a bit addicted to Labello. So since then she of course tried some new ones and today she though it would be a good idea to share the Labello's that makes your lips incredibly soft with you, because who wouldn't wanna have super soft lips? We do need to say that you need to apply them at least once a day, otherwise your lips wouldn't stay soft. Here they are:

This Milk & Honey Labello is definitely her favourite for soft lips. Femke told you people about it in the post with all her Labello's and she still loves this one. It's from the Pure & Natural collection, so it's made of natural products, which we really like. Some people don't like the smell of it, cause it really smells like honey. And it tastes like honey too. But it absorbs very fast, so if you want the soft lips you are going to deal with the honey. 
And then of course if the Milk & Honey of the Pure & Natural collection is good, this Chamomile & Calendula, which also is from the Pure & Natural collection, should be good too. Femke only tried this one once of a friend, but it does basically the same thing as the Milk & Honey one. For Femke this one smells and tastes like tea, so again you need to like tea or you are just going to have to deal with it. 
And then the last one, or the last one Femkeh loves of the ones she tried, is this Hydro Care Labello. Femke was just going to buy a classic one, but when she saw this one that she never saw before she just had to try it and guess what, this one makes your lips super soft too! This non-fat Labello is very good for your lips and makes dry lips heal very fast. It kind of tastes like the classic Labello and it absorbs fast too.
So these were Femke her favourites for soft lips. And it really works after the first time you use them! So go buy one of these and enjoy your soft lips! We also wanna say that you can be looking forward for more Labello posts, because Femke really knows a lot about them and she likes to share her experiences with you. So more Labello posts will follow soon! 

Maia & Femke

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Kate Moss for Alexander McQueen


Have you seen the spring/summer campaign from Alexander McQueen yet? They chose Kate Moss as their model and she's looking very good with the yellow pixie cut they gave her. The pictures are nice but the campaign video is even better! It's really creepy and above all very creative. Here it is:

Maia & Femke

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Sportive Clothes


A couple of days ago we made a post about Chanel at the Haute Couture Fashion Week in Paris. We noticed that the models were wearing sneakers instead of high-heels. In fact everything was kind of sportive. So you can expect that that's going to be a trend this spring and you probably want to be a trendsetter, so we made this post about sportive-looking clothes and where to buy them.

It's not something Chanel would design, but anyway it's sporty and looks great. This overdized sweater's from Forever 21 and costs €11.99.
Pink (Pink) Cameo Rose Pink 73 Raglan Baseball T-Shirt  | 305763170 | New Look
Sporty and pastel, that's what all the items in the Chanel show had in common. This t-shirt costs €17 and comes from New Look.
Recently we told you that H&M was going to have a bigger supply of sportswear, so on your hunt for sportive clothing, don't forget to go to H&M. This cute sweater costs €14.95.

And to complete the look we found these cute socks in American Apparel. They cost €21.

Maia & Femke

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Pastel Colors



Not so long ago we posted 'Chanel with Sneakers' a post about the show of Chanel in the Haute Couture Fashion Week in Paris. Something that catched our eye was that almost the whole collection was in pastel shades. So pastel stays a trend. A lot of you probably already have some pastel colored clothes, because it was a trend last year too, but if you don't: don't worry they still sell a lot of pastel stuff. :) So now a little list of our favorite new pastel items:

Mint green is probably the most popular pastel color. This shirt costs €38 and comes from American Apparel.

Pink (Pink) Cameo Rose Pink 73 Raglan Baseball T-Shirt  | 305763170 | New Look
Sporty and pastel, that's what all the items in the Chanel show had in common. This t-shirt costs €17 and comes from New Look.

Mint Green (Green) Mint Green Waterfall Blazer | 293808637 | New Look
Blazers are really timeless so we think everyone should have at least one. And if that blazer is in pastel that's even better. :) This one's from New Look and costs €35.
Pull pêche
This adorable knitted sweater comes from Pimkie and costs €27.99.

Maia & Femke

Monday, 27 January 2014

How To Avoid Smudging Your Nail Art


It's fun to make beautiful nail art but mostly it's hard to do and takes a while before you're ready. The last thing you want is smudging it and have done all this for nothing. Admit it, we all have this problem sometimes... That's why we were so happy CutePolish made a video about how to avoid it. Make sure tu watch it, it's really helpfull:

Maia & Femke

Sunday, 26 January 2014

The Quality of Vans


Femke loves Vans. They're simple, sportif shoes that you can wear with almost everything. But what about there quality? Are Vans good enough for there price? We will tell you everything about it in this post.

A year ago Femke bought a pair of gray Vans(you can see them on the picture above). They costs € 64,95, which we think is a good price. She really likes this color because it's so easy to combine. So she wore these shoes almost every day. But after a year they were damaged and she decided to buy the same pair again, because she loves them so much. She was a bit shocked to see the 2 pairs together, here's a picture:

The color is a bit lighter, the laces aren't as white as they used to be, there are holes in the old ones and the rubber side is very dingy and is coming a bit of the shoe. And this in only 1 year! Femke was very embarrassed that she still worn these old shoes looking like this. Well, we think that the quality of Vans isn't good at all. And we think the price maybe is a bit to much for what happens with them after only 1 year. But Femke still likes to wear Vans, so this time she isn't going to wear them every day and she's going to clean them up once in month. Because she really doesn't wanna spent every year € 64,95 on Vans. 

Maia & Femke

Saturday, 25 January 2014



Do you know Pusheen? Pusheen is a very famous cat on the internet. You probably already seen a picture of him on Facebook, Tumblr or We<3it. He's so simple drawn, but still super cute!!!! We really love Pusheen! And when we found out he has a online shop we were very excited! The webshop Hey Chickadee has many cute stuff, but now they have a whole Pusheen collection too. You should really check it our, here's the link. Here are our favourites of the collection:

Pusheenicorn T-shirt (womens)
Pusheen unicorn!!! We really love this shirt that costs $ 24,00. 
Blushing Pusheen ring
Ohh, Pusheen is blushing on this ring!!! This cute ring costs only $ 5,00.
But there are of course many orther cute Pusheen stuff, so go check there shop! And wow, we used the word 'cute' a lot, but he is a damn cutie isn't he? 

Maia & Femke

Friday, 24 January 2014

Frank Provost Expert Réparation


When Femke saw this new shampoo of Frank Provost in the store she just had to try it. The bottle looks very chic and expensive, but it's actually very cheap. So she bought the Expert Réparation. Her hair is not damaged, but there wasn't much choice and it has to prevent broken hair, right? The shampoo is a pretty light pink and smells horrible, well maybe you like the smell of it but Femke really doesn't. So if you buy this one make sure you'll use a good smelling conditioner after the shampoo. It makes Femke's hair a little bit softer than normal, but not much. And it doesn't really prevent broken hair... Something good about this one is that Femke's hair stays a day more pretty than normal. Because normally she should wash it every 2 days and now she could wait a day more. But she still doesn't really recomment this shampoo. 

Maia & Femke

Thursday, 23 January 2014

3D Roses Bikini


We already made a post about 3D roses sweaters, something we're really in love with. Besides Romwe there are more shops that love 3D roses prints, like American Apparel. They don't only sell a sweater, but also a bikini. Lovely!

Maia & Femke

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Nail Shapes


When Femke found this photo on We<3It she really wanted to post it. It shows the different kind of nail shapes and your the personality's of that shape. Femke always has round or squoval nails and the personalities of them are a little right too, but not all of them. Which nail shape do you have?

Maia & Femke

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Chanel with Sneakers


Something very surprising at the Haute Couture Fashion Week in Paris: instead of high-heels, the models from Chanel were wearing normal sneakers! Actually the clothes are all kind of sportive.

Something else we noticed about their show was many pastel colors. This was also seen in other shows, for example the one from Dior.

So two trends to remember from this show: pastel colors and sportive clothes (with sneakers).

Maia & Femke

Monday, 20 January 2014



Suspenders not really in fashion yet but we think (and hope :p ) it'll get more popular soon.

So like we said, it's not so popular yet, but in The Sting they sell few tees with suspenders on. This one's our favorite. It costs €39.90.

But if you're not willing to spent that much on something that's not a trend, you can buy these suspenders from American Apparel, wich you can combine with anything you want. And these are only for €18.

So let's make this a trend again. :)

Maia & Femke

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Gwen Stefani for OPI


Well, not something about Valentine for today, but the great news that Gwen Stefani and OPI made together 7 limited edition polishes. OPI choose Gwen for her outstanding nail art. One of the 7 polishes comes in a box with pretty nail art stuff. Here it is:

We want it! But we do think it's going to be expensive, because it looks all very chic and OPI isn't very cheap too... But we will let you know the price in February, when you can buy them.

Maia & Femke

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Romwe Valentine's Collection


We know it's a bit crazy writing 2 posts in a row about Valentine's Day, when Valentine's Day is over a month. But we just want to get you in style. And we know being single is very depressing in this time of the year, we're single too, but we just reallly like to have themed outfits. So don't think of it as 'Valentine's Day', but think of it as a love themed fashion event. And to help you with finding the right clothes for this event we just wanted to tell you that Romwe, one of our favourites online shops, has a very cute and pretty Valentine's Collection. You should really check it our, here is the link. And it's all(just for one week) 10% off! So go check there site now!!! Here are our favourite's of the collection:

ROMWE Heart-shaped Print Pink Skirt
We love super cute hearted skirt for € 20,09.

Heart-shaped Hollow Black Dress
A dress for € 26,76. Aren't the hearts in waist very pretty?

ROMWE Mesh Peak Collar Little Black Skater Dress
And the last one is this very beautiful dress. It costs € 35,55. 
Of course these aren't the only pretty things of the collection, but we really like these 3! 

Maia & Femke

Friday, 17 January 2014

Valentine's Nail Art

My favorite flowers red roses white roses and pink roses


It's just 4 weeks till Valentine's Day. So here are already some nail arts, who are perfect for this period of the year. For us it's a bit a depressing time, because we don't have a boyfriend. But of course you never know, so always try to look your best and get in a Valentine mood. And if we're still single when it's Valentine's Day it will still be nice to look in the love theme. So enjoy these cute nail arts:

First we wanna share, like we did with Christmas, the Valentine's Nail Art Guide of Cutepolish. So here is the link. We really like the love letter, but they're all very cute.

Valentine's nails
The first one we picked out for you is a very cute and super easy nail art design. So really give it a try! 
Pink Leopard Nails
This is more a playful nail art, but we love it. And it's so easy!
We really love the hearts on the first and last nail, but the big heart with love in is of course very pretty too.
Nail Art
Awww, this one is really cute! 
Rock N' Roses Nail Art
This roses nail art looks very hard to do, but if your good with nails we think you should really try this one. 
We really like this one! It's a fun design and perfect for Valentine.
This nail art is so cute! It will take some time with  making the letters, but it's worth it.
This one looks very easy and cute too. 
Nail art.
This one is so beautiful! Ombre nail arts are still a big trend, so we think everyone will love these pink ombre hearts.
Nail art
Another gorgeous nail art for the people who are good with nails. 
Paris, the city of love... This nail art will take some time, but everyone will love it! 
nails *o*
And last but not least these pink nails, because you can never do anyting wrong with pink nails on Valentine's Day. ;)
We hope you liked them and gave them a try.

Maia & Femke

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Striped Leggings


Black an white- striped leggings are something you see a lot lately. Vertical stripes make your legs look taller, so when your not that happy about your legs yet you want to wear a legging this is a very good idea. We personally don't really like this kind of leggings, but it's a huge trend recently so we really just had to write something about it. :) You can't match this legging with many colours or motives, because it's already an eye-catcher. Black clothes look best on it.

Maia & Femke

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

What To Eat For Healthy Hair?


On youtube there are a lot of channels about hair and beauty and one of our favorites is Luxy Hair.
Today she made a video about what to eat for healthy hair. We think healthy hair is something every girl wishes for. Maybe it's even one of your New Year's resolutions. Anyway, you can learn very much from this video. It's not only thing you can eat, but also how to eat, so this video is very helpful.
Here's the link:
It's a long video, but it's worth watching.

Maia & Femke

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Snaked by Six


Our first post about snakes is still from last year and in that we predicted that snakes would become a huge trend (check out that post here). An guess what? We were right! But you probably already noticed that. ;)

You can find snake jewelery kind of everywere but now Six has a whole snake-collection! It contains 9 items, all in silver and all with snakes. Check out the collection here:
Our favorite piece of the collection is this ring-to-wrist bracelet:

But actually we like the whole collection! ;)

Maia & Femke

Monday, 13 January 2014

The New Trussardi Models


The spingcampaign of Trussardi can be called original. Instead of models they used greyhounds! Greyhounds are the mascottes of Trussardi also on their label. The photographer was William Wegman, a man who is famous because of his pictures of weimaraners (also dogs). He says that greyhound are very elegant, calm and photogenic. As true animal lovers, we really like this campaign!

Maia & Femke

Sunday, 12 January 2014


Mes Memos - Photoblog: Collecting


Sweatshirts are in 2014 definitely hotter than hot! Every fashionista has one. They're so comfy, but still very pretty. And they're perfect to go stylish sport with. So if you don't have one or if you just want some more, than you should look to the sweatshirts we found:

The leopard print never really goes away. This sweatshirt is from Zara and costs € 27,95.

Afbeelding 1 van VELOURS SWEATSHIRT van Zara
We really like the text of this one. ;) It's from Zara too and costs € 29,95.

Grey (Grey) Grey Smiley Face Sweater  | 304041004 | New Look
Awww! This one is super cute! You can buy it in New Look for € 24,99.

White Pattern (White) Grey Floral Print Sweater  | 300691019 | New Look
This floral sweatshirt is also from New Look and costs € 17,99.

This is more a sweatdress. It's from H&M and costs € 19,95.

For a more girly look we really like this one of Urban Outfitters. It costs € 55. There is also a red and black one.

This text is perfect isn't? Everyone has passed through this period. So we really like this one. It's from Bershka and costs € 19,99.

ROMWE Husky Head Print Long-sleeved Sweatshirt
Aww, this sweatshirt from Romwe is so cute!!! It costs € 33,07. 

Cupcake Sweatshirt - READY TO SHIP
For all the cupcake lovers between us: this cupcake sweatshirt of Beloved for € $ 59.

Isn't this one of the most magical unicorns ever? We really love this sweatshirt of Aloha from Dear!!!! 

We hope you found your dream sweatshirt now!

Maia & Femke