Saturday 7 February 2015




This is the last post of our workout series (click here to see the first one about running and here for the second one with workouts). Running and working out are probably the most popular ways to change you body and condition. But yoga is very good for your body too, which many people forget. And not only physically, but also mentally. When you do yoga you stretch your body while your mind has time to rest. Yoga also makes your body a lot more flexible. So we really recommend you to start doing yoga! It should definitely be one of your resolutions for 2015. And today we're once again here to help you with starting out to do yoga!

Femke recently started with yoga and she loves it very much. Mostly after a long day of school it's very nice to stretch everything without overwhelming your body. Yoga can also be very calming and it really helps you to put your thoughts away for a moment. After Femke did her short daily workout she will do a short yoga session. She does this instead of stretching.

First Femke tried doing yoga by watching pictures and reading books about yoga, but this didn't work out for her. And she kind of stopped doing yoga. But two moths ago she picked it up again. She found this 30-Day Yoga Challenge on Youtube, which helped a lot. In these videos a teacher shows you the yoga poses, which is a lot better than just looking at pictures. With a video you know when to transition into another pose and the teather also tells you when to breath in and out (which is the most important part of yoga). So when you start out with yoga, we really recommend you to follow first some yoga classes or watching videos.
Now that Femke has almost done the challenge twice it's also a lot easier for her to do some yoga herself, with no one there to tell her what to do. Because now she knows many different poses and she is more aware of her breath. But she still prefers to watch a video. So here is the link of the playlist of the challenge. This challenge contains yoga sessions for different body parts, which is also very nice.

Maia is going to start with the 30-Day Yoga challenge too. And you should too! Femke promises you that you will love it!

Maia & Femke

Sources: We Heart It

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