Friday I got to spent some quality time with my mom and we went shopping in Leuven.

First we went to H&M where I got this basic pink shirt. You can't really see it on the picture, but it has a really fancy pink-greyish color.

I also got these loose shorts with roses. This is actually not really my style, but the moment I saw the cute flower print I fell in love with it!
Since it's not an easy item to combine, I went searching for a top to combine it with right away. I got this dark green one which is the exact right color, but the shorts also go great with the pink shirt I bought.

I also bought some new work-out clothes there. The short is the same one I bought about a year ago, but that one's got a hole in it now.. It was a great short to go running with, so I got myself a new one. Last one was grey, but now I went for black. I also bought these socks that are made to be more comfortable to go running with. They're very thin and made from some kind of special fabric that dries quicker. And of course they've got awesome colors.
I also went to CoolCat, a shop I don't usually buy my clothes from, but I noticed these socks and I think they're so cool! I don't know what I'll wear with them yet, but I just had to have them.
At Bershka I got this turtle neck crop-top. I really love wearing crop tops and I like the special shape this one has.

And finally I bought this jumpsuit at H&M. I think it has an adorable print and I like how it makes me look taller. I doesn't look very comfortable, but that's actually much better than I expected.
Summer sale's haven't really started yet, but it has been weeks since I had some free time and since shopping is my all-time favorite thing to do I went shopping anyway. But of course next week I'll be going again ;)