Monday 24 August 2015

How to Look Fashionable in your Uniform


Since the first school day is approaching, I thought this post was appropriate. I've went to schools before where we had no choice but wear a uniform and this summer I worked in a supermarket where I also had to wear a uniform. And it's not fun, not if you're like me and like to express yourself through fashion. Wearing a uniform always makes me feel ugly and not myself. But I have some tips to still look fabulous in your uniform!

First of all: what kind of uniform do you need to wear? Is it just a shirt? With maybe some shoes aswell? Or is it a whole outfit? If you just need to wear a few pieces, you can choose the last pieces to complete your outfit and make it still look fashionable. If you, for example, just have a shirt you can go crazy with cool pants and skirts. Or in the winter you can maybe wear fabulous coats and jackets, which will make you look amazing!

It kind of sucks if you need to wear a whole outfit though, but something I always do is express myself with some outstanding and beautiful jewellery! There aren't many places with a dresscode for jewellery. So instead of buying lots of clothes you can almost never wear during the schoolyear, invest in lots of jewellery. People will see the effort you put in your look, even if you're wearing a uniform. And this is the perfect way to make yourself look a bit more unique.

Wearing a uniform doesn't meen you can't look pretty. Make sure you still look fresh and clean. Try to look your best and everyone will forget you're wearing an ugly uniform! Make up isn't allowed in all schools, but just a little bit of concealer under your eyes will make you look a lot more awake and no one will notice the little bit of make up you're wearing.

Another thing most school won't have rules about is your hair, so try out some special and cute hairstyles. You will deffinitely stand out in your uniform now! Or wear some cute hair accessoires. I think wearing a bow in your hair with a school uniform can look very cute.

If nail polish is allowed you can try out beautiful nail art. If you can't wear nail polish at your school, make sure your nails still look clean and healthy. Looking fresh and clean, like I already mentioned, is a must!

Hopefully these tips were a bit helpful for you. And remember you can make everything look great on you if you really want it to!



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