Wednesday 30 July 2014

Dove Nutritive Solutions Nourishing Oil Care Shampoo And Conditioner


Wow, that's a long title. But that's how these shampoo and conditioner are called. Femke bought them a while ago, but she wanted to make sure if it really works before she made a review about it. So here is finally the review! These products are against frizz as you probably all already guessed. It says it smoothes up to 100% of roughness and controls frizz. On the photo above it says only 80%, well that's weird... Maybe that's an older bottle. But Femke agrees with the 80%. Because this really makes her hair frizyy free, but when the weather is very humid or when her hair is very dry it won't have any effect anymore. But that's still very good news, because this is actually the first product Femke ever tried that made her frizz go away! It also makes her hair super soft. And everyone always says these products smell super good, but Femke don't find it that awesome. It smells good, but it's for her not the perfect smell like everyone says. But it's probably just Femke who thinks that. So if you have frizzy hair we would totally recommend these shampoo and conditioner, because it's a miracle!

Maia & Femke

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