Saturday 26 July 2014

America Today's Pajama Pants


America today is known for there pajama pants, because they are so pretty and comfortable. They are a bit more expensive. Well maybe not that expensive, but if you're used to H&M prices you will find these pajama pants expensive. Femke bought these shorts a half year ago. So they aren't that old yet, but she did wear them a lot, because she liked them very much. And look what happend to them: 

Femke is always very careful with her stuff, so she can't believe that this happend. It's probably because she washed them a lot. But still... She has pajama pants that are way older and way cheaper and that still look perfect. So we think it's the quality. Luckily Femke's grandmother could repair what happend to the first photo. But she can't replace the bow on the second photo. And who know how fast something else is going to get ruined again. Femke is very sad, because she really liked these pajama shorts. But what we are trying to tell you here is that you better don't invest in pajama pants of America Today. And it can be possible that it won't happen with your pajama pants, but we aren't going to take that risk anymore. 

Maia & Femke

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