Wednesday 11 June 2014

How To Get Rid Of Oily Hair

PHOTOGRAPHY | via Facebook


Last week we posted about why not to wash your hair every day. The main reason was that it irritates the skin on your head, because washing your hair takes away the sebum (protacting layer of oil), what causes your skin to try to produce even more sebum. And that means your hair gets even oilier than it was before... We know many girls wash their hair daily to avoid oily hair, but as you see, it doesn't work.

So if you have oily hair you should start off with a new washing routine. The best thing to do is wash your hair every two or three days. This gives the perfect ballace between rest for the skin on your head and the oilyness in your hair. Also that leaves you with one day of freshly washed, beautiful hair and one (or two) days of 'old' hair. Hairstyles will stay longer in hair that is a little oily, so that's not even so terrible.
Don't panic if this doesn't immediatly gives you super healthy hair, because your hair needs to get accustomed to not being washed every day. It will take a few weeks and in the meantime you can try out these hairstyles for oily hair we posted about.

If that doesn't work and your hair is still oily after these few weeks you'll have to try something else. Another thing that helps you get rid of oily hair is lemon juice! You have to mix one cup of water with the juice of one lemon or two tablespoons of white vinegar. If you pour this in your hair (especially on the roots) it will decrease the oil in your hair. Don't forget to rinse your it out of hair afterwards, of course.

Tea is also a remedy for oily hair. Especially green and rosemary tea. So just make tea, let it cool down and put it on your hair, concentrating on the roots. You don't even need to rinse it out afterwards. This will also make your hair smell very good :)

Also baking soda can make your hair less oily. Mix some tablespoons of baking soda with a liter of water, mix well and apply to your hair. Leave it in for 20 minutes at wash it out with water. You can also use it as some kind of dry-shampoo by sprinkeling a little baking soda on the roots of your hair and than brush it out.

And to end with a very easy tip: don't comb your hair too much! This will spread the grease in your hair and that will make it look oily faster.. Not that you can't comb your hair any more, just not everytime you walk past a mirror.

Also stress can make your hair produce a lot of grease. So relax, it will make you prettier! :)

Maia & Femke

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