Wednesday 4 June 2014

Hairstyles For When Your Hair Is Greasy



This monday we made a post about why you shouldn't wash your hair and one of the tips we gave was that you should only wash your hair every 3 days (or 2 is okay too), but if you wash your hair every day now, you can't just stop doing it without having extreme greasy hair (if you want to know why you should read our previous post ;) ). This will stay for a few weeks  before your hair is acustommed to not being washed every day. But what de you do in these weeks?

We already said that if you're planning to stop washing your hair every day, the summer vacation is perfect. You don't have to look perfect all the time and when you go out you can put your hair in a ponytail to cover it up. But okay, we understand that it's a little boring to wear a ponytail every day, so we've searced a few hairstyles for you that will cover up the greasyness but still look fun for summer!

Greasy hair also has a positive side, by the way. All these hairstyles will be a lot easier to do and will stay a lot longer.

QTER THAN U | via Tumblr

Our first hairstyle is a thick, messy braid. You can just make a normal braid, but we have some tips for those who want some more texture (wich will distract the attention from the greasyness of your hair). Before you start making the braid you can tease the top section of your hair. Just lift up a couple of sections and backcomb it a little. Then after you made a braid, you can pull out the braid a little to make it thicker.

dirty hair knot

The next one is kind of a weird one, but we like it a lot and it looks kind of funny :) The first thing you do is tease your hair, like with the braid in the hairstyle above. Next divide your hair in two and make a double knot (jup, just a normal knot). If you're not sure if it's secure you can use some bobby pins. And again like you did with the braid, pull it out a little.

cute bun.

You've probably seen this hairstyle a lot already, and you've probably already tried it too. Not as easy as it looks huh :s But maybe it'll work now your hair is a little greasy, because like we said already: hairstyles stay better in greasy hair!


Just a normal bun will work too, if you still can't manage the previous hairstyle ;) You can switch beween the normal bun, the messy bun (click here for the tutorial), the rope braid bun (there's also a tutorial on that one), a braided bun, a side bun (or ballerina bun), a bow bun or a cute donut bun (if you don't know what that is, we have a post about it, including a tutorial).


You can also make different variations on ponytails, because we understand if you don't have enough time to do special buns or braids every morning. So you can just make a ponytail, a low one or a high one. Also braid look very cute in your ponytail. You can make a couple of little braids, or just braid all of your hair into a fishtail or normal braid. You can also first braid your bangs and than put them into a ponytail. Also just something like a bow or a cuff (like the picture above) will already make your ponytail a lot more special.

Actually everything that's messy is good. Just only do updo's, because half updo's will not cover it up completely and letting your hair just loose will look very untended.

There you go! Now you don't have any excuse anymore not to stop washing your hair every day!

Maia & Femke

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