Friday 8 August 2014

Femke's New H&M Sneakers


Femke has always been a Vans-girl, but now her style changed a bit and she's more into stylish shoes than into sportive ones. So when she saw these sneakers in H&M she immediately fell in love with them, because they look very stylish, but they're also a bit Vans-like. They're actually similar to slip-on-sneakers, but they don't have that stretchy band that makes them slip on. But now that Femke loves these so much she's deffinitely going to look more for the slip-on's too.

And remember when we said in a post that H&M was going to sell more qualitive shoes? Well, Femke had many shoes of H&M, but they're all in the trash right now, because they got damaged very quickly. So she knows pretty well how there quality is, but her new sneakers feel a lot different. And they still only cost € 19,99.

Maia & Femke

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