Thursday 22 May 2014

Protect Your Skin!



Today we just wanted to tell you how important it is to use a suncream before tanning. Femke tans very quickly and she never ever gets a sunburn, so she never used a suncream. But last year she realised how bad that actually was for her skin. Because the UV rays can result to skin cancer and they also give your skin wrinckels. But Femke loves to have a pretty tanned skin and suncream doesn't let your skin tan at all. But she found the Nivea Sun Protect & Bronze(click here for the review we made about it) and the name of this product already says it: it protects your skin but you can tan easily with it either. And this is definitely not the only suncream that allows your skin to tan. So no excuses any more and protect your skin! And not only the times you tan, but every time your skin is uncovered to the warm summer sun. Also you should find a foundation or a daycream that has a SPF in it so your face is protected too.

We don't know if you know this yet, but we use a bodylotion every day. It makes our skin a lot healthier and softer. And we would recommend to use a bodylotion after you tanned, so your skin stays hydrated and doesn't start to peel of. Even when you protect your skin this can happen.

We hope you're going to listen to our advice and protect your skin!

Maia & Femke

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