Friday 31 January 2014

Labello's For Soft Lips


If you read our post about Femke's Labello's you probably already know that she's a bit addicted to Labello. So since then she of course tried some new ones and today she though it would be a good idea to share the Labello's that makes your lips incredibly soft with you, because who wouldn't wanna have super soft lips? We do need to say that you need to apply them at least once a day, otherwise your lips wouldn't stay soft. Here they are:

This Milk & Honey Labello is definitely her favourite for soft lips. Femke told you people about it in the post with all her Labello's and she still loves this one. It's from the Pure & Natural collection, so it's made of natural products, which we really like. Some people don't like the smell of it, cause it really smells like honey. And it tastes like honey too. But it absorbs very fast, so if you want the soft lips you are going to deal with the honey. 
And then of course if the Milk & Honey of the Pure & Natural collection is good, this Chamomile & Calendula, which also is from the Pure & Natural collection, should be good too. Femke only tried this one once of a friend, but it does basically the same thing as the Milk & Honey one. For Femke this one smells and tastes like tea, so again you need to like tea or you are just going to have to deal with it. 
And then the last one, or the last one Femkeh loves of the ones she tried, is this Hydro Care Labello. Femke was just going to buy a classic one, but when she saw this one that she never saw before she just had to try it and guess what, this one makes your lips super soft too! This non-fat Labello is very good for your lips and makes dry lips heal very fast. It kind of tastes like the classic Labello and it absorbs fast too.
So these were Femke her favourites for soft lips. And it really works after the first time you use them! So go buy one of these and enjoy your soft lips! We also wanna say that you can be looking forward for more Labello posts, because Femke really knows a lot about them and she likes to share her experiences with you. So more Labello posts will follow soon! 

Maia & Femke

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